We make
things happen

Sale Advisory – Grupo Roxa

Finae Partners advised Grupo Roxa in the sale of a majority stake in its 3 largest car dealerships (Awauto S.L., Autos Mistalia S.L. and Blau Motors S.A.) in the island of Mallorca, to Cargrup XXI, S.L.U. (belonging to Movento Group)

Acquisition Advisory – Garaje Dalmau

Finae Partners advised Garaje Dalmau, S.A.U. (belonging to Grupo Nayox) in the acquisition of Servisimó, S.L. Audi-VW-Skoda operations

Sale Advisory – Moyauto

Finae Partners advised García Moya Automoción, S.A. in the sale of its Renault operations in Plasencia and Navalmoral de la Mata, to Auto Salamanca, S.A.

Sale Advisory – Autotodo

Finae Partners advised Autoser Automóviles S.L (belonging to Grupo Itra) in the sale of its Opel operations in Madrid to Masternou, S.A. (Grupo M)

Sale Advisory – Autoser

Finae Partners advised Autoser Automóviles S.L (belonging to Grupo Itra) in the sale of its Honda operations in Madrid to Emecar Automocion 06, S.L. (Grupo M)

Sale Advisory – Automec

Finae Partners advised Automec Automóviles, S.L (belonging to Grupo Itra) in the sale of its Madza operations in Madrid to Mogacar Automocion, S.L. (Grupo M)

Sale/Acquisition Advisory – Kuroba/Disagar

Finae Partners acted as financial advisor in the acquisition of the Mazda operations of Distribuidora de Artículos para el Hogar, S.L. (Disagar) by Kuroba Motor, S.L.

Sale Advisory – Aguiló

Finae Partners advised Aguiló, S.L. in the sale of its Mercedes Benz operations to Nayper Motor Teruel, S.L.U. (belonging to Grupo Nayox 2000)

Sale/Acquisition Advisory – Hersamotor/Madrd Cars 2000

Finae Partners acted as financial advisor in the acquisition of Madrid Cars 2000, S.L. and the business unit of Lantia 2000, S.L. by Hersamotor, S.A.U. (belonging to Grupo Bartolomé)

Sale Advisory – Autos Montalt

Finae Partners advised Autos Montalt, S.A. (belonging to Marcos Automoción) in the sale of its Ford operations in Manacor to Motor Mallorca, S.A. (Grupo One Motors)

Sale/Acquisition Advisory – Hersamotor/AE Llorente

Finae Partners acted as financial advisor in the acquisition of the Mazda operations of Distribuidora de Artículos para el Hogar, S.L. (Disagar) by Kuroba Motor, S.L.

Sale Advisory – Automoció 2000 BCN Ford

Finae Partners advised Automoció 2000 BCN, S.A.U. (belonging to Marcos Automoción) in the sale of its Ford operations to Romacar ABS, S.L.U. (belonging to Groupe Maurin)

Sale Advisory – Automoció 2000 BCN Jaguar-LR

Finae Partners advised Automoció 2000 BCN, S.A.U. (belonging to Marcos Automoción) in the sale of its Jaguar/Land Rover operations to Land Motors, S.A. (belonging to Grupo Quadis)

Sale/Acquisition Advisory – D.Lizcano/Tresa

Finae Partners acted as financial advisor in the acquisition of Tresa Automoción, S.A. VW/Audi operations by Delgado Lizcano, S.L.

Sale/Acquisition Advisory – Vian/Montalt

Finae Partners acted as financial advisor in the acquisition of Peugeot/Citroën/Fiat operations of Grupo Montalt Madrid Oeste, S.L.U. (belonging to Marcos Automoción) by Vian AS Automobile, S.L.